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Showing posts from March, 2017

Does Challenge Intimidate You?

Some people are intimidated by the word “challenge.” They see a path fraught with struggle and frustration; however, a worthwhile challenge can be something else entirely. It’s a challenge undertaken with passion and purpose that often leads to great things. #Pengician #SSA #MotivationalFriday

#Motivational Friday: Take Charge

You have a head on your neck. You have brains in your head. You have legs with a feet. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. Take charge! You are the one who'll decide where to go. Not him Not her Not society Not even religion. Not fate. Take Charge! NOW! # Pengician # SAA
If our goal is to write poetry, the only way we are likely to be any good is to try to be as great as the best -  Stefn Sylvester Anyatonwu # Pengician # SSA

MARCH by Stefn Sylvester Anyatonwu SpokenWordPoetry 2017 03 01 20 58 56

Yeah!!!!! Finally, I did attempt Spoken Word Poetry! #exhales I'm excited. VERY!!! It's not a professional something, though. But I've been schooled to celebrate small victories. So, yeah, I'm excited. Do you have an article you’ve written or would like to write? Something else you’d like to share with us on Prose & Poetry Hood? Don’t hesitate to send submissions to or. Thank You! Enter your email address powered by TinyLetter