Types Of Poetry Poetry is literary expression in which language is used in a concentrated blend of sound and imagery to create an emotional response; essentially rhythmic, it is usually metrical and frequently structured in stanzas. This is to help you get acquainted with the various forms of poetry existent and help broaden your art. There are more than a hundred types of poetry. I will break them into 10 bits. I'll do this alphabetically. We start with the As. For sake of time, I couldn’t give examples of ‘all’ types listed. But there are few examples given. 1. Abecedarian poem - As the name implies (ABCD), it is a poem having verses beginning with the successive letters of the alphabet. e.g: After a long stare at shooting stars Bolade shut his aching eyes calling on dead gods like a dying priest dangling from his gallow. - Stefn Sylvester Anyatonwu Noticed how each line of the above poem begins with the successive letters of the alphabet? 2. Abstr...