Have you ever been in a room crowded with people and still felt lonely? The truth is, you can feel lonely anywhere, anytime. I’ve put together a guide to help you feel more connected to those around you. 1. Start small The best way out of loneliness is to start small with some simple social interactions. Try making small talk with the cashier at the supermarket or starting an IM chat via Messange, Whatsapp, Telegram, with a friend. Aye! It might feel super awkward at first, but these small interactions can help you feel less alone and isolated. 2. Hang out with like-minded people What are you into: video games, yoga, writing, music, books? Joining a club is an awesome way to meet and connect with like-minded people. Your school or community centre might run different clubs, so check out if there’s something there that’s right for you. Another option is Meetup. It brings together people who enjoy similar things or activities, whether that be fitness, poetry, photography, tech or, well …...